0208 7404 089


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Roumanie   Str: Republicii Nr:2 Cod Postal 500030 Brasov


Réparation ecran/ecran tactile defectueux ou endommage


Touch Panel is not responding or is cracked
The display is cracked or damaged
Touch screen is working but you can’t see anything on the screen
LCD Screen partially or completely not responding
LCD if fully operational but appears cracked
LCD is blank but you can here the start up sound
LCD is white
LCD is bleeding

What can cause the problem?

The unit was dropped or smashed
Tapping the screen too hard
Unit got liquid damage
Fell on the floor

We we can do?

Inspect and repair the .
Additional devices need to be installed with SWS adaptors by technicians.

How much it would take?

While you wait services for: LCD Replacement ,Charging connector and other faults.
The repairs will take up to 24 Hours, if will be longer then that you will be notified by email.

Autre défauts

probleme x clignotant
Aucun signal GPS

Feu vert mais pas de pouvoir
blocage au demarrage

Pas de son

Retour à satnav réparations

Sat-Nav Repairs LTD support@satnavrepairservice.com

Sat-Nav Repairs LTD

2B The Quadrant Little Ealing Lane / W5 4EE, London, United Kingdom 02087404089